This is a love story in its purest form capable of breaking
boundaries and creating good and beautiful products.
Over the years Bice and Mimmo who used to spend the weekends on the family’s estate which is immerged into nature, they managed to hand on to the little Aruna the passion for their land. Moments of lightheartedness among ancient olive trees, farmers and olive mills, where the aromatic fruit, the result of one year of work, grabbed the curious child’s attention.
A world of authentic values that turned into the human luggage of a young man who, after his graduation and some time spent abroad, decides to come back in order to take care of the family’s company, enriched with new skills but unaltered feelings for the land he grew up on.
This is a love story in its purest form capable of breaking boundaries and creating good and beautiful products.
Over the years Bice and Mimmo who used to spend the weekends on the family’s estate which is immerged into nature, they managed to hand on to the little Aruna the passion for their land. Moments of lightheartedness among ancient olive trees, farmers and olive mills, where the aromatic fruit, the result of one year of work, grabbed the curious child’s attention.

A world of authentic values that turned into the human luggage of a young man who, after his graduation and some time spent abroad, decides to come back in order to take care of the family’s company, enriched with new skills but unaltered feelings for the land he grew up on.

Discover the Donnabice oils
Donnabice Oil
Discover the Donnabice oils
Donnabice Oil

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