The region Puglia boasts a heritage of olives rich of a variety of different olives with excellent organoleptic and nutritional properties and of an unmistakable taste.

Amongst them the Peranzana, Coratina and Frantoio are the varieties we obtain our Donna Bice product line from.

Our range of products is completed by the multivariate Gaudella and a completely biological product line in order to offer many possibilities of combinations at the table.

The region Puglia boasts a heritage of olives rich of a variety of different olives with excellent organoleptic and nutritional properties and of an unmistakable taste.

Amongst them the Peranzana, Coratina and Frantoio are the varieties we obtain our Donna Bice product line from.

Our range of products is completed by the multivariate Gaudella and a completely biological product line in order to offer many possibilities of combinations at the table.


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